Let us help you navigate the complexities of the Austrian market and set the stage for your business success!

We offer the following services to support your market entry:

Market Research and Analysis (about € 5,000)

  • Comprehensive market analysis to identify opportunities and challenges
  • Competitive landscape analysis
  • Customer segmentation and target audience identification

Business Strategy Development (about € 4,000)

  • Development of a market entry strategy tailored to your business model
  • Recommendations on product/service localization
  • Pricing strategy formulation

Regulatory Compliance Assistance (about € 3,000)

  • Guidance on legal and regulatory requirements for market entry
  • Assistance with necessary registrations and permits

Networking and Partnership Development (about € 2,500)

  • Identification and introduction to potential local partners, distributors, and suppliers
  • Facilitation of meetings and negotiations

Marketing and Brand Positioning (about € 4,500)

  • Development of a marketing strategy specific to the Austrian market
  • Assistance with branding and promotional activities

Ongoing Support and Consultation (about € 1,000 / month)

  • Regular check-ins and updates on market conditions
  • Continued advisory services for operational challenges


All services are tailored to your specific requirements, hence final costs can vary. For further information, contact us at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!!

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